Quality Loss on Import




  • Official comment


    Would you please be able to share some screenshots illustrating the issue? Having these will help us determine what may be the cause for the less than ideal end results.

    Generally, the meshes should look the same after importing them in Autodesk 3ds Max. However, some issues might remain if the normal map shows artifacts. This can be the case if the normal map is not set up correctly. If you are using object space normal maps, please make sure the shader supports object space normal maps in Autodesk 3ds Max. In case you are using tangent space normal maps, you would need to configure the tangent space options inside the Tangent Space panel in the Texture Output tab.

    You can find more information about normal maps in this document: https://instalod.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025857393-Normal-map-baking.



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  • Tim Whitt

    Here are two screens one in InstaLOD (AMAZING RESULTS) 
    Then upon import they get distortedI have tried both tangent and object space normals

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  • Tim Whitt

    The texture quality is also greatly impacted in 3DS causing the writing on the texture to become blurry and almost impossible to make out.


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  • Support


    I also attempted to import a model into 3ds Max, but was also unable to produce the perfect settings correctly. I'm not entirely sure why this happens but I strongly suspect this has to do with gamma correction. When using the InstaLOD for 3ds Max plugin we reimport the normal maps with a gamma value of 1.0, and for object space normal maps we flip the green channel too. This yields usable normal maps. I recommend checking with the Autodesk 3ds Max support directly as they should be able to provide you with further assistance on this issue.

    The issue with the blurred textures is a feature of Autodesk 3ds Max to clamp viewport texture resolutions to prevent crashing the GPU as memory may run out. You can change the settings inside Viewport Configuration.



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  • Tim Whitt

    So in theory I would probably get better results in Maya then 3DS Max. I noticed that's what you guys mainly use. At least in your educational videos at least.

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