MAYA - Baking custom maps
AnsweredHi there people,
This post shows the workflow to bake custom maps inside MAYA:
I need to bake ORM textures (OcclusionRoughnessMetallic) and based on that post, I see I need to put it into a layeredTexture node and plug that into the "diffuse" channel of a simple material like Lambert or Phong.
I first thought "diffuse" channel would be the "color" one, but the bake didn't take tha layered texture into account and just baked the color one.
Then I understood it should be the "diffuse" channel, but that's seems quite not appropriate for my needs because the "diffuse" channel is just grey, not RGB.
Could I get some clarifications on that workflow?
Official commentHello,Unfortunately, some terms in the 3D industry are used differently across different applications. However, in Maya, you would need to connect the layered texture to the color channel of your material. You can see an example below:
And you can see the result of a remeshing operation here:
Thanks,ErhanComment actions -
Hi there Erhan,
Thanks for the info.
I see in your second screenshot that with that method you get a filename like "mesh_color_number_randomNumber". Is there a way to tell InstaLOD to take the resulting texture filename based on the input texture?
So, if I plug "Temp_ORM.png" and "Temp_baseColor" as inputs of the layered texture, I will get "Result_ORM.png" and "Result_baseColor" as the result of the baking?
InstaLOD supports a variety of format strings for generating output names. You can find information about them here: Having said that, using the input filename format string {TEXTURE.FILENAME} for remeshing won't work. This is due to the fact that the resulting textures can be considered 'synthesized' and thus have no input filename. When InstaLOD finishes an operation and generates the names for the output files, the resulting texture pages are newly created and have no connection to the input file anymore. As remeshing can combine a single texture across multiple models, a new texture page needs to be created that has no direct linkage anymore to the source textures as it may create naming conflicts.
Thanks, I knew about those tokens, yes, but as you say, they don't resolve my issue.
Because the correct way of doing it would be to use the "type" token, but I can't use it because the workaround explained eariler forces me to use the layered texture approach. So in the end I have no "type" since all my custom textures are in the same layered texture.
That means I have to get the custom textures with random numbers as you told me, and then rename all of them by hand.
I'm afraid that is a HUGE issue when working with lots of objects as you imagine.
Hopefully you are working on a better way of doing this.
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