Remesh and material merge problems - UE4




  • Official comment

    Hello Sean,

    Please excuse the delayed response.

    We were able to reproduce the issue.

    It seems as though a LOD model with a custom material is affecting the subsequent mesh operations in a bad way. Until we ship a fix for this issue, you can use the following workaround: 
    Generate your LODs with the setting 'Save as new asset' and add them as a LOD mesh manually after your meshes have all been generated.
    Optimized LOD models should not affect the outcome for these operations and are safe to use before using mesh operations that generate new materials.

    Just to be clear, this issue is only affecting Skeletal Meshes.



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  • Support
    Hello Sean,
    Which version of Unreal Engine are you using?
    It would be great if you could share a mesh with us where this issue occurs by uploading it to InstaLOD Cloud where we could access it.
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  • Sean dos Santos

    Hi Erhan,


    I am using UE4.25

    I'll upload the mesh to the cloud and you guys can have a look, much appreciated thanks.



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  • Support

    Hello Sean,

    Please excuse the delayed response, somehow my message was not posted in the forum.

    We were able to reproduce the issue.

    It seems as though a LOD model with a custom material is affecting the subsequent mesh operations in a bad way. Until we ship a fix for this issue, you can use the following workaround: 

    Generate your LODs with the setting 'Save as new asset' and add them as a LOD mesh manually after your meshes have all been generated.

    Optimized LOD models should not affect the outcome for these operations and are safe to use before using mesh operations that generate new materials. 

    Just to be clear, this issue is only affecting Skeletal Meshes.



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