About this document
InstaLOD has a variety of different software solutions that all have their own dedicated documentation. This article serves the purpose of having all documentation listed in one space.
InstaLOD Studio
InstaLOD Studio is a holistic platform for 3D data processing. Its graphical user interface makes it trivial to perform a wide range of tasks from geometry optimization to texture baking and building complex rule-based processing scenarios for enterprise workflows.
Access the full documentation via the following link: Getting Started with InstaLOD Studio
InstaLOD Pipeline
InstaLOD Pipeline (formerly named InstaLODCmd) is a cross-platform console application that enables you to perform mesh operations on a batch of 3D models or scenes without having to use a graphical user interface. Complex batch processes can be set up within minutes by specifying optimization profiles and batches using JSON.
Access the full documentation via the following link: Getting Started with InstaLOD Pipeline
InstaLOD C++ SDK
Integrating our SDK is a straightforward and fun task. There are no external dependencies on heavyweight runtimes like .NET and great care has been taken to create a modern and clean API with little in your way of creating complex optimizations.
Access the full documentation via the following link: Getting Started with InstaLOD SDK
The InstaLOD SDK class documentation is shipped with the SDK in the 'Documentation' folder.
InstaLOD Grid
InstaLOD Grid enables enterprise customers to easily establish an on-premise InstaLOD compute cluster. Customers that leverage InstaLOD Grid are able to expose every employee to the InstaLOD web application to process data with no additional cost and no application-specific training. The InstaLOD Grid server receives requests from operators through applications like InstaLOD Studio or the built-in web application and automatically forwards it to an available node in the compute cluster. Once the data has been processed, the results can be downloaded through InstaLOD Studio or the InstaLOD Grid web application.
InstaLOD Watchdog
InstaLOD Watchdog is a smart solution that allows batch-processing data on a regular basis whilst detecting whether a file was already processed in a previous run. It watches over a specified folder structure and mirrors it. Changes made to the input folder structure are automatically recognized allowing for only files that have been added or changed to be processed.
Access the full documentation via the following link: Getting Started with InstaLOD Watchdog
InstaLOD for Maya
InstaLOD for Autodesk Maya enables you to optimize 3D meshes without having to leave your favorite DCC tool. The integration features a graphical user interface, supports complex batch operations, and can be scripted with its MEL scripting-based API.
Access the full documentation via the following link: Getting Started with InstaLOD for Maya
Additional Documentation: Installing InstaLOD for Maya
InstaLOD for 3ds Max
InstaLOD for Autodesk 3ds Max enables you to optimize 3D meshes without having to leave your favorite DCC tool. The integration features a graphical user interface, supports complex batch operations, and can be scripted with its MAXScript scripting-based API.
Access the full documentation via the following link: Getting Started with InstaLOD for 3ds Max
Additional Documentation: Installing InstaLOD for 3ds Max
InstaLOD for Blender
InstaLOD for Blender enables you to optimize 3D meshes without having to leave your favorite DCC tool.
The integration features a graphical user interface and supports complex batch operations.
Great care has been taken to ensure a high degree of usability and productivity, even when using InstaLOD for Blender for the first time.
Access the full documentation via the following link: Getting Started with InstaLOD for Blender
Additional Documentation: Installing InstaLOD for Blender
InstaLOD for Unity
InstaLOD for Unity enables you to optimize 3D meshes and scenes from within Unity.
Full support for both static and skeletal mesh optimizations as well as complex mesh operations make InstaLOD the ultimate solution for 3D optimization in Unity.
Access the full documentation via the following link: Getting Started with InstaLOD for Unity
Additional Documentation: Installing InstaLOD for Unity
InstaLOD for Unreal Engine
InstaLOD for Unreal Engine enables you to optimize 3D meshes and scenes from within Unreal Engine.
Full support for both static and skeletal meshes as well as draw call reduction make InstaLOD the best choice for optimization in Unreal Engine.
Access the full documentation via the following link: Getting Started with InstaLOD for UE
Additional Documentation: Installing InstaLOD for UE4
InstaLOD for VRED
InstaLOD for Autodesk VRED enables you to optimize 3D meshes without having to leave your favorite DCC tool. The integration features a graphical user interface and supports optimization, UV tools, and occlusion culling operations.
Access the full documentation via the following link: Getting Started with InstaLOD for VRED
Additional Documentation: Installing InstaLOD for VRED
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