About this document
InstaLOD ships with file import plugins that feature more than 50 distinct file import formats and more than 10 export file formats.
CAD import and highest quality tessellation for native formats such as CATIA V5 (Part, Assembly, and CGR), PTC CREO, Siemens JT, Siemens NX, Solidworks, Rhino3D, and STEP enables intelligent and efficient enterprise workflows.
CAD File Import Formats
- Catia V5 (design/cgr) (*.cgr)
- Catia V5 (part) (*.catpart)
- Catia V5 (product) (*.catproduct)
- Pro/ENGINEER (assembly) (*.asm)
- Pro/ENGINEER (assembly) (*.xas)
- Pro/ENGINEER (assembly, neutral) (*.neu)
- Pro/ENGINEER (part) (*.prt)
- Pro/ENGINEER (part) (*.xpr)
- Rhino 3D (*.3dm) - (currently only supported on Windows)
- STEP (*.step)
- STEP (*.stp)
- Siemens JT (*.jt)
- Siemens NX (assembly) (*.asm)
- Siemens NX (part) (*.prt)
- Siemens PLM XML (*.plmxml)
- Solidworks (assembly) (*.asm)
- Solidworks (assembly) (*.sldasm)
- Solidworks (drawing) (*.slddrw)
- Solidworks (part) (*.prt)
- Solidworks (part) (*.sldprt)
Polygon File Import Formats
- 3D GameStudio Heightmap (HMP) Importer (*.hmp)
- 3mf Importer (*.3mf)
- AC3D Importer (*.ac)
- AC3D Importer (*.ac3d)
- AC3D Importer (*.acc)
- ASE Importer (*.ase)
- ASE Importer (*.ask)
- Additive manufacturing file format(AMF) Importer (*.amf)
- Autodesk FBX (*.fbx)
- BVH Importer (MoCap) (*.bvh)
- Blender 3D Importer - http://www.blender3d.org [<v2.79] (*.blend)
- BlitzBasic 3D Importer (*.b3d)
- CharacterStudio Motion Importer (MoCap) (*.csm)
- Collada (*.dae)
- Direct3D XFile Importer (*.x)
- Discreet 3DS Importer (*.3ds)
- Discreet 3DS Importer (*.prj)
- Doom 3 / MD5 Mesh Importer (*.md5anim)
- Doom 3 / MD5 Mesh Importer (*.md5camera)
- Doom 3 / MD5 Mesh Importer (*.md5mesh)
- Drawing Interchange Format (DXF) Importer (*.dxf)
- Extensible 3D(X3D) Importer (*.x3d)
- Extensible 3D(X3D) Importer (*.x3db)
- glTF Importer (*.gltf)
- glTF2 Importer (*.gltf)
- Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) Importer (*.ifc)
- Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) Importer (*.ifczip)
- Irrlicht Mesh Reader (*.irrmesh)
- Irrlicht Mesh Reader (*.xml)
- Irrlicht Scene Reader (*.irr)
- Irrlicht Scene Reader (*.xml)
- LightWave Scene Importer (*.lws)
- LightWave Scene Importer (*.mot)
- LightWave/Modo Object Importer (*.lwo)
- LightWave/Modo Object Importer (*.lxo)
- MMD Importer (*.pmx)
- Milkshape 3D Importer (*.ms3d)
- Nendo Mesh Importer (*.ndo)
- Neutral File Format Importer (*.enff)
- Neutral File Format Importer (*.nff)
- OFF Importer (*.off)
- Ogre3D Mesh Importer (*.mesh)
- Ogre3D Mesh Importer (*.mesh.xml)
- Open Game Engine Exchange (*.ogex)
- Quake II Mesh Importer (*.md2)
- Quake III BSP Importer (*.pk3)
- Quake III Mesh Importer (*.md3)
- Quake Mesh / 3D GameStudio Mesh Importer (*.mdl)
- Quick3D Importer (*.q3o)
- Quick3D Importer (*.q3s)
- Raw Importer (*.raw)
- Return To Castle Wolfenstein Mesh Importer (*.mdc)
- Silo SIB Importer (*.sib)
- Stanford Polygon Library (PLY) Importer (*.ply)
- Stereolithography (STL) Importer (*.stl)
- Terragen Heightmap Importer (*.ter)
- TrueSpace Object Importer (*.cob)
- TrueSpace Object Importer (*.scn)
- Unreal Mesh Importer (*.3d)
- Unreal Mesh Importer (*.uc)
- Universal Scene Description (*.usd)
- Universal Scene Description Ascii (*.usda)
- Universal Scene Description Crate/Binary (*.usdc)
- Universal Scene Description Zipped (*.usdz)
- Valve SMD Importer (*.smd)
- Valve SMD Importer (*.vta)
- Wavefront Object Importer (*.obj)
- XGL Importer (*.xgl)
- XGL Importer (*.zgl)
Other File Import Formats
- InstaLOD Mesh (*.ilme)
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